Hair Extensions

Top 17+ Best of Funny Hair & Hair Extension Memes (2024)

Well, you just got yourself some real remy extensions and have joined the gang? In that case, we salute you, and although there are no special prizes (other than the beautiful hair and incredible looks that you got), we have prepared a pretty funny and relaxing list of the best hair extension memes.

If you have not heard about memes (where have you been?), then think of them as some simple and humorous pictures (can also be videos, etc.) that cover specific subjects, which in our case are hair extensions.

However, we didn’t just stop at ten like most of these lists; we went double.

We are kicking things off with a problem that some of you, hopefully, will never have. What happens when a hairstylist does not get you?

Now, this one is just too adorable not to include; true love is indeed when you are telling someone that their extensions are showing, which is hopefully a result of a minor glitch rather than improper application by your hairstylist.

Oh god, this is the issue that 99% of the females have experienced; why is it that your hair only looks perfect when you are not going out anywhere?

Do you feel like your hair is growing slowly? Well, so does everyone! This is why hair extensions have been created in the first place, so you do not have to wait for years and years to get that look.

I feel bad for the guy, but that is the truth.

The best thing about buying hair extensions online is that you do not have to be judged, but I can relate!

Well, are you ready for a new look? No extensions, different colors, or anything. That’s an issue only women can understand.

Well, this is what you get for trying to pick nickels in front of a bulldozer.

Ha, this is so true; please, please, learn how to install extensions, or you will end up in one or the other memes list.

Uh, this is not what clip-in extensions are about, is it? Well, it looks like it is for someone.

That is true; if you have a wig or extensions that look like you have something extra on your head, then you have a bad-quality set. Fortunately, with AiryHair, that is not the case :)

This is probably one of the funniest pictures out there. So much truth has not been spoken in a long time, and I want these Cheetos!

I guess this one is pretty much self-explanatory.

Uh, what is that? Nostril hair that has been stylized? Well, that is enough Internet for me today. Please do not try to repeat this at home.

This is what you get when you go to a stylist who knows their stuff. I could tell you dozens of horror stories, but this picture does a much better job than mine. Well, okay, one time, a girl lost her wig during the wedding ceremony… It ended horribly.

It seems legit, does it? A cat with long hair. In all seriousness, though, a lot of women tend to hide the fact that they have extended their volume. Why is that?

Lastly, if you see someone on the street like this, please approach and let them know; it is your business! It’s everyone’s business.

And here you have it :) for highest quality remy hair, visit us at airyhair, and don’t forget, stay beautiful.

Sam Fisher

Sam has been working in beauty and health industries since early 2000s with some of the world’s most popular brands. You probably have some of these products at your home right now. With almost 20 years of experience, Sam has a deep understanding of hair extensions, wigs and all things beauty as well as nutrition, fitness, teas and topics of similar nature.

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