Hairstyles & Hair Color Ideas

7+ Trending Braid Hairstyles with French Extensions (2024)

Braids are a great way to change your hairstyle and create cool, trendy looks. Braids allow you to experiment with your hair and have a different hairstyle basically every day, and you can just let your imagination run wild. It’s relatively easy to learn the different types of braiding, so why not try it? The only problem is that braids require very long hair, but if you do have short hair, you can always add some great extensions and braid away! There are numerous types of braids, but these are the seven most popular trendy braid hairstyles you can try!

Classic Three Strand Braid

This is the most basic of the braids, and the classic three-strand braid is the one probably all of us know how to do since we were kids. It’s pretty straightforward – you take three strands of your hair and alternatively pass the hair from the left and right over the middle section and – viola, you have a braid! It is perfect if you don’t have much time to style your hair or it looks messy and just want to cover it up.

Fishtail Braid

A fishtail braid is slightly more complicated to make but still very simple. The hair is separated into two parts, and one strand from the bottom of the left section is passed over to the right side and vice versa. It created a cool effect that resembles a fishtail, hence the name. If you’re struggling to make it work, try tying your hair in a ponytail first; the strands of hair are more easily managed that way.

French Braid

This is a very popular braid that adds more hair to the basic three-strand braid. It’s a bit tricky at first, especially if it starts from the crown of the head, but it gets easier along the way. The trick is to repeat the process of a three-strand braid, but every time you pass a strand of hair over the center, you add more hair in.

The Upside Down Braid

The upside-down braid uses the same technique as the French braid but is upside down, as the same implies.

The Dutch Braid

The Dutch braid is also a French braid, but instead of the hair sections going over, they go underneath each strand of hair. So it’s an inverted French braid. But the effect is excellent, and you can experiment with different placements and lengths.

The Milkmaid Braid

The milkmaid braid is very easy to make. You just have to make two pigtails, make a classic three-strand braid and just wrap them around your head. It’s that simple!

Four Strand Braid

The braids so far have been pretty straightforward, but this is the complicated one. It uses four or sometimes even five strands of hair. It looks cool, but for this one, it’s best to find a good video tutorial or have a professional do it for you.

Woah! That was awesome! Now it’s time for you to add some AiryHair extensions and pull this look.

Sam Fisher

Sam has been working in beauty and health industries since early 2000s with some of the world’s most popular brands. You probably have some of these products at your home right now. With almost 20 years of experience, Sam has a deep understanding of hair extensions, wigs and all things beauty as well as nutrition, fitness, teas and topics of similar nature.

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